This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting the concept of sustainable membrane operation, and the devastating impacts of wildfires to watersheds, and to membrane operations including: every wildfire is different and the impact to watershed isalso different;no membrane plant in North America has experiencedsevere water quality due to wildfire (limited experience);high turbidity carry over (especially fine colloids) andorganics in membrane feed water could causeirreversible fouling; and,high Fe and Mn could be troublesome. Challenges to membrane processes are presented and include:mitigating membrane fouling; augmented pretreatment (coagulation, sedimentation, powdered activated carbon [PAC],permanganate, fine screen, granular activated carbon [GAC], ozone, etc.);intensified cleaning regime;reduced flux;maintain minimum production to satisfy emergencydemand;membrane warranty;will be voided once membrane feed water quality is out ofspec; and,vendors may not want to warrant a wildfire scenario. An economic analysis framework for membranepretreatment process selection is presented and includes the following topics:Capital Cost;Annual O&M Cost;Direct Financial Impact;Indirect Financial Impact; and,Non-Financial Factors. Presentation summary includes the following:Sustainable Membrane Operation is the Key to aSuccessful Membrane WTP;Wildfire Poses a Significant Threat to Membranes;a combination of Emergency Operation withEnhanced Pretreatment could reduce theImpact from Wildfire; and,an Economical Analysis Framework is Developedto Assist the Selection of AppropriatePretreatment Processes to Balance Risk, Cost,and Non-Financial Factors. Includes tables.
Product Details
- Edition:
- Vol. – No.
- Published:
- 11/01/2009
- Number of Pages:
- 27
- File Size:
- 1 file , 1.1 MB
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus